The 2K Miller Lite Taurus
This one is based on the 2000 #6 Valvoline Taurus with some SLIGHT (yeah, right!) modifications.
Front View: The hood supports are scratch-built,alond with the hood hinges which can't be seen in this shot.
Rear view: The rear deck has been opened, a filler tube is present, and you can see the roof flaps and openings for the wedge and track bar adjusters.
Front 3/4 view
Front chassis/engine view: You can see more clearly the hood supports in this one.
Base Kit: R/M 2000 Taurus stocker (#6 Valvoline)
Paint: Testors: Racing Colors Chassis Gray, Racing Colors #6 White, BSR Miller Lite Blue
Decals: Wetworks #2 Miller Lite Ford from BSR Replicas & Finishes
Mods: Opened Rear deck, Roof Flaps,